Shisha News

The Silence of the Bubbles .. with a Silicone Shisha Diffuser

The Silence of the Bubbles .. with a Silicone S...

How does a Shisha Diffuser work?  The shisha diffuser breaks your shisha’s smoke down into smaller bubbles when you draw from your shisha pipe. The big bubbles create a gurgling...

The Silence of the Bubbles .. with a Silicone S...

How does a Shisha Diffuser work?  The shisha diffuser breaks your shisha’s smoke down into smaller bubbles when you draw from your shisha pipe. The big bubbles create a gurgling...

How to Avoid Five Shisha Smoking Fails

How to Avoid Five Shisha Smoking Fails

Dos and Don'ts of Shisha smokingLike with everything, there are do’s and don’ts when it comes to smoking shisha. To the uninitiated, shisha smoking might seem pretty straightforward, and we’re...

How to Avoid Five Shisha Smoking Fails

Dos and Don'ts of Shisha smokingLike with everything, there are do’s and don’ts when it comes to smoking shisha. To the uninitiated, shisha smoking might seem pretty straightforward, and we’re...

Celebrate the Arrival of Summer Shisha!

Celebrate the Arrival of Summer Shisha!

It's Summer Shisha Time!Its that time of the year again! Yup, thats right, its Summer Shisha time. ok, that statement might be a bit questionable to anyone living in the...

Celebrate the Arrival of Summer Shisha!

It's Summer Shisha Time!Its that time of the year again! Yup, thats right, its Summer Shisha time. ok, that statement might be a bit questionable to anyone living in the...

Tobacco Rules Change Today - Should We Be Worried?

I'm sure you've heard all over the news about the tobacco industry's plans to stop new laws have been effectively thrown out. They have been lobbying government to stop new...

Tobacco Rules Change Today - Should We Be Worried?

I'm sure you've heard all over the news about the tobacco industry's plans to stop new laws have been effectively thrown out. They have been lobbying government to stop new...

5 Great Reasons To Try Shisha Today!

If you've never tried shisha before, indeed, if you've never even considered it, then you'll probably agree with me that it can seem a bit daunting.What do you buy? What...

5 Great Reasons To Try Shisha Today!

If you've never tried shisha before, indeed, if you've never even considered it, then you'll probably agree with me that it can seem a bit daunting.What do you buy? What...

Will the Mumbai Trade Fair Help Shisha Sales Wo...

In the West, all the chatter concerning Shisha and Hookah smoking seems to be almost all surrounding health issues. You can't go a week without some news outlet telling us...

Will the Mumbai Trade Fair Help Shisha Sales Wo...

In the West, all the chatter concerning Shisha and Hookah smoking seems to be almost all surrounding health issues. You can't go a week without some news outlet telling us...