How to Blow Smoke Rings Using Hookah Smoke

smoke ring, shisha smoke tricks, hookah tricks, shisha shop, How to blow smoke ringsSmoke Trick # 3: Smoke Rings

You might know someone who can blow smoke rings and make it look easy. Perhaps you have tried doing it yourself but are not getting any impressive results? Learning how to blow smoke rings is a lot of fun and like most things, does take some practise. But once you have mastered it, you’ll get a sense of achievement of finally being able to do it.
Smoke rings are best learned using a hookah. So the first thing to do is set it up (How to Setup a Shisha Pipe) so that it is ready to be used. Then you can practice making rings with the smoke by following the following steps below.

Things You should have:

  • A shisha/hookah pipe


1. Push Tongue to the Bottom of the Mouth

The tongue has nothing to do with making smoke rings. The first step that you need to consider doing is to get the tongue out of the way, especially if you want to blow perfect circles. Place it flat at the bottom of your mouth and forget that it exists. Don’t move it at all when you are blowing circles. The tongue might break the smoke, and you will fail in creating rings out of the smoke.

2. Drag on the Hookah

The next step is dragging deep on the hookah in order to get thick smoke. There should be enough smoke in your lungs. This is essential in doing smoke tricks. You should be able to control the smoke so that it would not escape the lungs before you are ready to do the tricks.

3. Do an O Shape with Lips

When you have enough smoke in your lungs, the next step is to form an O shape with your lips, position your lips out as if you were making an "ooo" sound (like in the word 'boo'). In some instances, it helps when you curl the lips back while they form the O shape. You can practice doing the O shape in front of the mirror.

4. Close the Jaw

The next step is to close the jaws halfway, this will allow you to better create the O shape of the lips that will cause the smoke to form a ring. Practice the jaw motion until you manage to form perfect circles.

5. Push the smoke out in short bursts

The final step is to use your throat to push upwards to push through short bursts of smoke out of your mouth. Try to keep your lips steady as possible as this is the toughest part of blowing smoke rings and that you have enough smoke to form a ring, and enough breath to push the smoke out.

Now you know how to blow smoke rings. The good thing about hookahs is that you can get a lot of smoke in a single drag, which allows you to practice blowing rings until you finally get it right. You will be able to blow smoke circles before your hookah session ends.
Visit the Shisha Shop's blog to learn other shisha smoke tricks that you can do with a hookah. Don't forget to visit our the best online shisha shop to buy a shisha/hookah for yourself.

The Shisha Shop, 11-13 Fairways Business Park, Lammas Road, 

E10 7QT London, United Kingdom

How to Blow Smoke Rings Using Hookah Smoke

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